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The InvestEngine Impact

At InvestEngine, we aim to make best practice investing easy and affordable, to set you on your way to investing success.

With investing, your capital is at risk

How much InvestEngine clients have saved

Account fees saved
Trading fees saved
No. of Trades
Portfolios rebalanced

InvestEngine clients benefit from some of the lowest fees around, in fact we don’t charge you to build and manage your own investments and our Managed Portfolios cost just 0.25% (ETF costs apply). As you can see that helps save our clients a lot when compared to other popular investment platforms. We also help make investing easy, with simply‑powerful automated investing features giving our clients all they need to invest.

Most popular ETFs (last 12 months)
1Vanguard S&P 500 (Accumulating)
2iShares MSCI Emerging Markets IMI
3 Lyxor Smart Overnight Return
4iShares FTSE 100
5Xtrackers MSCI World Quality
Most held companies (last 12 months)
1Apple Inc
2Nvidia Corp
3Microsoft Corporation
4Amazon Inc
5Meta Platforms Inc

Figures based on actual InvestEngine client data from inception to December 2024. Investment fees saved based on average equivalent fees as at December 2024 for DIY Portfolios on Interactive Investor, Hargreaves Lansdown and AJ Bell, and Managed Portfolios on Wealthify, Moneyfarm and Nutmeg. Please contact for full details.

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Whenever you invest, your capital is at risk
This could mean the value of your investments goes down as well as up.
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