Our portfolios
Whether you want to choose your own investments, or leave it to our experts, InvestEngine easily allows you to build a portfolio that is right for you.
Invest commission-free in over 690 ETFs
Build your portfolio
Choose from hundreds of ETFs from Vanguard, iShares and others
Smart portfolios
Set your investment weights to create the balance you want in your portfolio
One-click rebalancing
One‑click rebalancing to keep your portfolio on track
Automated investing
Effortlessly invest on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis with Savings Plans
Prefer to leave it to our experts? We'll build and manage a portfolio on your behalf
Built for you
Our experts will build and manage a portfolio to suit you
Global diversification
Aiming to provide smooth investment returns using a wide portfolio of ETFs
Low cost
We charge 0.25% a year to manage your portfolio, that's just £2.50 for every £1000 you invest
Ongoing management
We do the rest — fine‑tuning your portfolio to keep your investment plan on track
Why InvestEngine
The power of ETFs
Low cost, diversified, index-tracking of stock markets, bonds and commodities.
Why we love ETFs
Why we love ETFs
Clear investing
Know exactly which companies, sectors and regions are in your portfolio.
Easy automated investing
Invest on your own schedule with Savings Plans and grow your wealth the easy way.
Easy diversification
Fractional investing lets you put as little as £1 in your portfolio.
DIY or Managed
Build and manage your own portfolio or leave it to us.
Authorised and Regulated
InvestEngine is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
and covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
and covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
Ready to invest?
Whether you’re doing it yourself or leaving it to us — click
'Get started' to build your portfolio
'Get started' to build your portfolio
Capital at risk