Pay less. Keep more
With InvestEngine, you won’t pay any account fees, meaning you can save for retirement or make the most of your ISA without fees holding you back.
With investing, your capital is at risk

How our ISA fees compare
Do it yourself
Costs for an ISA portfolio containing 5 ETFs using the full £20,000 ISA allowance, invested monthly for 10 years and assuming 7% annual investment growth.
Dealing charge per trade
Returns lost to fees
Portfolio value after 10 years


£4.99 p.m.


£4.99 p.m.


£7.50 p.m.

The chart above compares the fees of platforms with a comparable investment solution to InvestEngine DIY, assuming a £0 starting ISA portfolio, investing £1,666 into five UK ETFs per month for 10 years with 7% growth per annum. Fees as displayed on platform websites as at 19 December 2024. The displayed fees only include the costs charged by the respective platforms. They do not include any product fees such as ETF charges. Some platforms may have reduced fees depending on different volumes, funding sizes or subject to additional subscriptions. The information above is for illustrative purposes only and for up to date fees you should visit their respective websites.
1Vanguard capped at £375 a year. £4 p.m. on account balances up to £32,000.
2AJ Bell capped at £3.50 p.m.
3Hargreaves Lansdown capped at £3.75 p.m.
1Vanguard capped at £375 a year. £4 p.m. on account balances up to £32,000.
2AJ Bell capped at £3.50 p.m.
3Hargreaves Lansdown capped at £3.75 p.m.
Our accounts
We offer a range of flexible accounts, each with their own benefits, for you to hold your investments in. You can find out more about each account type here.
ISA (Individual Savings Account)ZeroISA fee
General AccountZeroGeneral Account fee
Personal Pension (SIPP)ZeroZero SIPP Account fee
Business AccountZeroBusiness Account fee
Our portfolios
Portfolios go inside your accounts, giving you the ability to choose your own investments or leave it to InvestEngine’s experts. Find out more about our different investment options here.
Do it yourselfChoose your own investmentsZeroInvestEngine feeETF costs and market spread apply
ManagedLet our experts help you0.25%InvestEngine annual feeETF costs and market spread apply
How we're able to be free
From keeping our business costs low, to generating interest on uninvested cash and co‑creating paid education content with leaders in the industry — there are many ways for us to make money whilst continuing to offer many of our highly rated services for free. You can read a full breakdown here.
Any uninvested cash you hold with InvestEngine doesn’t generate returns. Activate AutoInvest to keep your money working for you or consider transferring this cash to an interest‑bearing account.
For example, £1,000 if invested over the past decade in a balanced portfolio comprising 60% global stocks and 40% global bonds could have doubled to over £2,000 by 31/12/2024. In contrast, if the £1,000 had been left in cash, it would have grown to just £1,075.
Source: Bloomberg, Bank of England. Global stocks are represented by the MSCI ACWI Total Return in GBP, global bonds are represented by the Bloomberg Global Aggregate hedged to GBP. The cash rate is the average interest rate for instant access accounts.
Any uninvested cash you hold with InvestEngine doesn’t generate returns. Activate AutoInvest to keep your money working for you or consider transferring this cash to an interest‑bearing account.
For example, £1,000 if invested over the past decade in a balanced portfolio comprising 60% global stocks and 40% global bonds could have doubled to over £2,000 by 31/12/2024. In contrast, if the £1,000 had been left in cash, it would have grown to just £1,075.
Source: Bloomberg, Bank of England. Global stocks are represented by the MSCI ACWI Total Return in GBP, global bonds are represented by the Bloomberg Global Aggregate hedged to GBP. The cash rate is the average interest rate for instant access accounts.

Exchange traded fund (ETF) costs
The exchange traded funds (ETFs) in your InvestEngine portfolio have their own costs.
As with other investment funds, ETFs have annual charges. For DIY Portfolios, annual charges depend on the ETFs you choose and start from 0.03% a year (see the full list).
With our Managed Portfolios service, the average ETF charge in the Growth portfolios is 0.12% a year. These charges are built into the performance of the ETFs, and we are always looking at opportunities to reduce these costs even further.
There is also a small difference — the market spread — between the buying and selling prices of the ETFs. With our Managed Portfolios these spread costs average 0.07% a year.
Visit our Help Centre for more about ETF costs
Visit our Help Centre for more about ETF costs
InvestEngine charges NO dealing fees and makes nothing from the ETF costs.
Authorised and Regulated
InvestEngine is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
and covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
and covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)

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With investing, your capital is at risk, ETF costs apply.