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Over £1.3m raised!

Thanks to those of you who supported the recent InvestEngine crowdfund. We were blown away by the support received, raising more than £1.3m in just 8 days — nearly double our original target of £700,000.
Built by the co-founder of Gumtree, InvestEngine brings the fast-growing ETF investment market to everyone. Our advanced tech and commission-free platform give investors the tools they need to grow their wealth.
Capital At Risk

Invest in InvestEngine… Invest in ETFs

The popularity of what is our first public fundraising is testament to the scale of the opportunity in ETF investing. With global ETF assets soaring $1trn in 2021 and forecast to grow 17% annually by 2026, we are confident we are in the right space with the right platform.
ETF assets close to $10tn after second year of record growth
Offering instant diversification, broad investment choice and low‑fees, ETFs make an excellent choice for investors.
Combined with the ever‑increasing interest in investing and ETF media popularity, there is a wave of untapped investors poised to join this dynamic segment of the market…that’s where InvestEngine comes in.
The exponential growth of the ETF market since 2000
Source: Morningstar Direct Asset Flows. Data as of Sept. 30,2020.

Our Highlights

Grown rapidly
thousands of customers trust us to grow their wealth
30% monthly growth
in new accounts
Fully FCA authorised
and backed by serial technology investors
previously built and sold Gumtree to eBay
Proprietary technology
&platform enabling control & automation
£1.5tn opportunity
in the UK alone
Booming ETF market
worth almost $10tn, nearly twice as much as it was 3 years ago
Built by a highly experienced team from HSBC, L&G, FNZ, Investec, Plum and BlackRock
Highlights as at March 2022

Thousands of downloads

Mark W‑B
Really simple to use and easy to get started. customer service are awesome too when I have needed them. Get investing people!
Absolutely amazing. Lowest fees you can find. Best app for long term investing at low cost.

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