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Transfer your ISA to InvestEngine

Transferring your ISA is simple: fill out our form via the button below, and we’ll handle everything with your existing provider.
ISA transfers don’t affect your annual ISA allowance, and we won’t charge you for this process.
Read our ISA transfer FAQs.

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Minimum deposit of £100, must stay invested for a minimum of 12 months to keep your bonus. Ts & Cs apply.

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Why choose an InvestEngine ISA?

Zero ISA account fees

With InvestEngine, you pay no ISA account fees! Read more about costs

The opportunity for higher returns

With InvestEngine, you’ll have a Stocks & Shares ISA, giving you the opportunity to earn higher returns than from a Cash ISA.

Easy, automated investing

Free features to help you build and manage your portfolio. Savings Plans make regular, automated investing easy, while our tools make it possible to monitor and manage your portfolio at a glance.

Transfer to InvestEngine for free

It’s easy to transfer your existing ISAs into an InvestEngine Stocks & Shares ISA. We don’t charge for ISA transfers (but you should check whether your existing ISA provider has exit fees). Click here to find out how

Flexible ISA allowances

You’re able to withdraw from your ISA at any time. With a Flexible ISA, you can replace the amount (s) withdrawn in the same tax year without affecting your annual allowance. Read more here

Tax treatment depends on personal circumstances and may be subject to change.

See how our portfolios compare

Do it yourself
Costs for an ISA portfolio containing 5 ETFs using the full £20,000 ISA allowance, invested monthly for 10 years and assuming 7% annual investment growth.
Dealing charge per trade
Returns lost to fees
Portfolio value after 10 years
£4.99 p.m.
Interactive Investor
£4.99 p.m.
AJ Bell
£7.50 p.m.
Hargreaves Lansdown
The chart above compares the fees of platforms with a comparable investment solution to InvestEngine DIY, assuming a £0 starting ISA portfolio, investing £1,666 into five UK ETFs per month for 10 years with 7% growth per annum. Fees as displayed on platform websites as at 19 December 2024. The displayed fees only include the costs charged by the respective platforms. They do not include any product fees such as ETF charges. Some platforms may have reduced fees depending on different volumes, funding sizes or subject to additional subscriptions. The information above is for illustrative purposes only and for up to date fees you should visit their respective websites.

1Vanguard capped at £375 a year. £4 p.m. on account balances up to £32,000.
2AJ Bell capped at £3.50 p.m.
3Hargreaves Lansdown capped at £3.75 p.m.

Capital at risk

How much InvestEngine clients save

Account fees saved
Trading fees saved

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