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For illustrative and educational purposes only. The chart above presents potential future annualised returns based on past performance. However, past performance is not indicative of, nor does it guarantee, future results. The value of portfolio may fluctuate due to market conditions, and your capital is at risk when investing. The chart reflects the gross performance of the index and does not account for fees, which may reduce actual returns. Additionally, inflation has not been factored in, meaning the real value of returns may be significantly lower. Returns may also be subject to taxation depending on individual circumstances. Please note this is not intended to be financial advice or a promise of future performance. You should seek financial advice if in doubt before investing. The figures on the above graph are based on average past performance of the index or MMF selected over the time period. For Money Market Funds — Interest and returns will fluctuate in line with the Bank of England interest rate over the period. Between 2021 – 2024 the rates gradually increased to 5%; rates have been reduced during 2024 – 2025. Historic rates. For funds — Markets move both ways and over some periods you may experience reduced performance or even losses. The S&P500 actual historic performance.

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